Wednesday, September 12, 2007


why mba?

...hmmmm.interesting are some possible answers :
1) my dad told me to do so (papa ne kaha tha)
2) had spare 11000 bucks
3) i am not good at technical
4) ROI(return of investment) after MBA is good
5) everyone seems to be doing mba i also joined the race
6) u ask me why ....and i ask u why not ?
on a more serious note...see its all a question of where you see yourself say 5-10 years from now (although very few of us think that long term)......if your a 'techie' at heart you would probably be quite happy to be working on the tech side of things and you can make a great career that way as well.....but if you want any of the following things then an mba probably makes sense
(1) a career move to an entriely different domain say finance or could be done the without an mba as well but then the> struggle is a lot harder
(2) a fast foreward button for your the corporate world degree holders from top b-schools are given positions of responsibilty and authority very quickly considered to those without an mba irrespective of any amount of 'mangerial' acumen you may show
(3) money.....lots of it the end of the day there's no denying the fact that this plays a very important role besides your work...infact for many it's the sole reason for many who pursue an mba.....the hard fact is> that those who do the actual work get paid far less than those who 'manage' them
have a look at the following statement :
There are 2 extremes in the work arena. On the left side you have the most productive people (who actually do the work). For eg. a junior programmer spends every second that he is working producing actual code. On the far side you have the non-producers ie. people who produce nothing tangible. At the end of the day they don't grow food, they don't help sick people, they don't write code etc. These are CEOs, lawyers, management partners, program managers etc. But the kick is - the left side gets paid the least and the right side gets paid the most so if you plot $ on the y axis its a 45 degree line.

Almost everyone spend their time trying to traverse that line so the further to the right side you begin the sooner you get where you want to go. Trust me - I still am a big geek - but I want money - so I can buy all the cool stuff I want. That is why I moved from the software service industry to technology consulting space. MBA is going to help me traverse that line faster. The most direct benefit I see out of an MBA is that an opportunity of a dream career with a wonderful employer, one who likely would have filed any previous resume submissions from me in the circular file. Save a remarkable stroke of luck, there is no way I can land this dream position without an MBA. With my BSc. MCA degrees, the pigeonhole is simply too deep. An MBA is one of the few reliable routes to a career change.

i agree a 100% with what this guy says. i hope ive managed to throw some light on that haunted question...why an> mba? ...i decided a very long time ago to pursue an mba from an iim.....unfortunately though ive worked like mad things have not worked out (ive manged to screw up cat again)....but that hasnt lessened my resolve...maybe some day i'll be lucky enough to actually get into an iim and see whether all ive written so far is actually true. beyond> your wildest dreams..

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